
Providing organic solutions to enable clients to deliver superior results in a sustainable manner.

Projects and programmes can often be complex, fraught with uncertainty and risks, and create worry that it might be expensive to undertake or rectify. We specialise in helping individuals and organisations to navigate delivery, make changes and transition to a better, more efficient model that leads to success.

Whether you are seeking to improve on an existing idea or concept, are daring to be different or are expanding your capability, we are committed to helping you thrive.

Built Environment
Programme Management
Outcomes and Achievements

Improved regional performance within a 12-month period from a loss to 6% increase in profit.

Expedited delivery by 80% by driving efficiency through process and eliminating wasteful activities.

Supported struggling teams to improve capability by mentoring and up-skilling in house talent, reducing sickness and staff turnover by 46%.

Trusted and reliable service has led to 100% of customers returning to us for services and 100% extended contracts for additional services.

Successful development, management and delivery of the Capital Programme in line with Masterplan and success criteria (c.100m) resulting in realisation of strategic growth by 10% over 18 months.

Reduced operating expenditure by 64% without risk to jobs.

Mitigated risk exposure and liabilities of approx. £1.8m.

Created over 2,300 learning opportunities for children.

Delivered on business growth which has led to increased employment opportunities for over 1,000 people.

Supported organisations in delivering approx. £57m of Capital Investment successfully into the community.

Levi and Vasey represented us very well, helping us create exceptional opportunities for learning within our Free School Programme. They are dedicated to ensuring the best outcomes for a project and, in particular for us, our academies, and our children.
“I can highly recommend Levi and Vasey. Their knowledge, resources and attention to detail are second to none.”
“This is the team that is pretty invisible, but actually through the hours and hours of work, technical expertise and sheer professional approach, makes the management of a complex acquisition such as this complete with the best outcome.”
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